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Our homework offer at Godstone Primary and Nursery School has been adapted following consultation with the children, parents and staff.  The aim is to offer a broad range of activities that children can choose from whilst also providing weekly practice of core English and maths skills.  

Half-termly homework

Homework grids

The homework will be set out in a grid format (Appendix One) which covers all aspects of the curriculum not already covered through the weekly tasks i.e. English and maths.  There are a range of tasks that are categorised by the main subject area that they cover. However, they will be cross-curricular and also include elements of English and maths.  By covering all aspects of the curriculum, it gives the children the choice to engage with activities that they enjoy and are interested in.  This will give each child the opportunity to complete a maximum of eight or nine pieces of homework over a half-term period. 

The nature of how the tasks are presented ensures a level of choice for the child and their parents. The decision as to which home learning tasks are completed, and when, encourages the child to take increased responsibility for their learning. The children do not have to do a set number of tasks in any one category and there isn’t a time limit for doing each one.  The homework is designed to create independent learning opportunities where possible and there isn’t a time limit for doing each one.

Children are encouraged to complete at least two pieces of homework and parents are asked to upload them to their child’s Class Dojo portfolio.  All homework will be acknowledged and rewarded with a house point and sticker.  House points are then rewarded when milestones are reached e.g. certificate, wristbands and cake with the headteacher.

Weekly Homework

Reading (Reception to Year Six)

Children are expected to read every night and must ensure their reading record is signed by their parents/carers each time they have read; however, children are encouraged to read a minimum of three times a week.  The reading record will be checked daily by the class teacher or a teaching assistant.


Spellings (Years One and Two)

Spelling sheets are sent home weekly for children to practise the week’s spellings.  These spellings are also available on Spelling Shed for children to play the corresponding games.

Spellings (Years Three to Six)

Activities are set on Spelling Shed for children to complete.  It is expected that children complete at least three games each week.

Maths (Years One to Six)

Children are encouraged to complete the relevant pages of their White Rose Maths Journal (supplied by the school) or demonstrate an alternative way that they have practised these skills.

Maths (Year Two)

Children have access to appropriate activities on Times Tables Rock Stars if they would like to complete them.

Maths (Years Three to Six)

Children are expected to access the activities set on Times Tables Rock Stars daily, however they are encouraged to engage with them a minimum of three times a week to develop their fluency and recall.


Additional Year Group Specific Homework


Weekly activities are shared on Tapestry each week for children and parents to engage with that follow on from the week’s learning.

When the children have learned a new phoneme (sound) and the corresponding grapheme (letter or group of letters), a sheet will be sent home for parents to practise saying the sound and recognising the grapheme with their child.  They can also practise writing the letter or group of letters again at home.

Once a phase of tricky words has been taught at school, two sets of cards are sent home with these words on for children to practise reading at home.

Year Four

Children are expected to complete the “soundcheck” practice test on Times Table Rock Stars weekly.

Year Five

A weekly grammar quiz is set on Spelling Shed for children to complete where possible.

Year Six

A Spelling Shed grammar quiz must be completed weekly.

Maths is set using the White Rose Maths Practice Journal (supplied by the school) and must be completed weekly.