Behaviour Management Approach
At Godstone Primary and Nursery School we employ a positive behaviour management approach. This approach utilises the school's core values of pride, compassion, responsibility, respect and ambition, which supports the children throughout the school to make sensible and well thought through decisions. The key aims of this behaviour management approach are:
- To consistently set and model high expectations that enables all members of our school community to thrive both personally and academically.
- To foster a positive, caring attitude towards all which promotes positive self-esteem and ensures all children feel cared for and safe.
- To create an environment in which a range of achievements are recognised and celebrated.
- To develop an understanding of and respect for the culture, ethnicity, religion, ability, opinions, gender and differing needs of others. ‘Everyone is different but equal’.
- To provide wide and enriching learning experiences within the school environment and the wider community to create life-long learners.
- To help all pupils to appreciate and understand each other as individuals and to take personal responsibility for maintaining and caring for the school environment and our whole school community.
- To provide a clear and consistent behaviour management approach, which includes strong links with parents and the wider community to support the growing child.
- To promote responsible behaviour, independence, self-discipline and respect for others in order to fulfil their future ambitions.
A range of rewards will be given to children who show the desired learning behaviours. The consequences for misbehaviour are set out in a cascade fashion in a clear and consistent way so that all children can reflect upon the seriousness of their behaviour. All forms of positive recognition and consequences are linked to the 'school rules':
- Pride – we look after the school environment and take pride in ourselves and others
- Responsibility – we take responsibility for own actions
- Respect – we follow directions from all adults in school and respect each other
- Ambition – we are resilient, never give up and always try to be positive
- Compassion – we show kindness and care for other people
For further information about how we manage behaviour at Godstone Primary and Nursery School, please read the 'Behaviour Policy' which is on the school website in the 'About Us' > 'Policies' section.
We are committed to providing a caring, friendly and safe environment for all of our pupils so they can learn in a relaxed and secure atmosphere. Bullying of any kind is unacceptable at our school and we have a policy of ‘Zero Tolerance’. All staff are aware of the signs of bullying and ensure that the appropriate member of staff is informed of any concerns or incidents. Additional information regarding bullying can be found in the ‘Anti Bullying Policy’, which is on the school website in the 'About Us' > 'Policies' section.